Thursday, March 09, 2006

Intelligent Designs

In most modern countries young people in school learn about science, testable predictions, falsifiable hypotheses, and how to construct valid observations from available evidence. In the United States, we increasingly plague our children with the kinds of myth and wild conjecture that characterize the belief systems of pre-modern societies.

Nevertheless, those (including President Bush) who want to “teach the controversy” about evolution have an obligation to explain that there are at least three distinguishable flavors of Intelligent Design.

The first is associated with Bible stories such as Adam’s Rib and Noah’s Ark, as well as predictions of Rapture and Armageddon. Considered the author of Young Earth Creationism, the proper label for this Intervening Deity is ID-JC.

The second Intervening Deity is claimed by people of diverse faiths, suggesting a politically correct, non-denominational supernaturalism. ID-PC is said to have overseen the development of life over eons, performing miracles as needed, especially at the Beginning. Its method of Old Earth Creationism predicts no further miracles, but reserves for its adherents the right to pray for more.

Finally there is the naturalistic Interstellar Depositer, a galaxy-hopping Johnny Gene-seed, better known as ID-ET. Believers predict it is only a matter of time before the government’s cover-up is exposed.

Craig Simon
Dania Beach, Florida

Clash or Civilization?

Not long ago I joined an online discussion forum hosted by Foreign Policy Magazine and added to a thread regarding Samuel Huntington's conjectures about the "Clash of Civilizations." One of the other participants blogs at "WorldPolitiks."

March 9, 2006