Sunday, April 23, 2006

Bin Laden's Strategy

Today Al Jezeera broadcast the latest public message from Osama Bin Laden. Two of his claims deserve attention: 1) The West's refusal to continue funding the Palestinian Authority after the Hamas election victory "confirmed that [the West is fighting] a Crusader-Zionist war against Muslims." 2) Britain and the US are responsible for the strife in Sudan and any supporters of Bin Laden must be prepared to to oppose any further Western actions there.

A BBC commentator, Gordon Corera, argues that the main purpose of Bin Laden's message is to "remind" the public that he "is still at large and still claims to be relevant."

More likely, Bin Laden would like to see the US further tied down and spread thin by an escalation of violence in Palestine, and the commtiment of forces in Sudan. There are good reasons to withhold funds from Hamas at this time, and to intervene against genocide in Sudan. Both policies should be pursued on their individual merits, however, not because Bin Laden has put a chip on his shoulder.